NOVA IMS - Key Persons

Flávio L. Pinheiro

Flávio L. Pinheiro (FLP) is a professor of Data Science at NOVA IMS since 2018, where he arrived after a two year a Postdoctoral appointment at the MIT Media Lab (USA). His work explores the role of social networks in the diffusion of opinions, ideas, innovations, and behaviors and how the network structure of socio-economic systems constrains the effectiveness of strategic decision-making. He holds a Ph.D. in Physics from Universidade do Minho (2016) and an MSc (2011) and BSc (2009) from Faculde de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa.

João Falcão Silva

João Falcão Silva holds a Ph.D in Economics - International Economics - from ISEG, Lisbon School of Economics & Management - Universidade de Lisboa, a Master's degree in Public Economics and a Bachelor's degree in Economics from NOVA School of Business and Economics, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa. He works also at the Banco de Portugal in Statistics Department as Head of Unit of the Financial Account, in the Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Division. In addition, he teaches economic courses at NOVA School of Business and Economics and a post-graduation course on Central Banking Statistics at NOVA Information Management School.