Joe Joshi

Joe is a resourceful and proactive property development consultant with a wealth of experience from almost 40 years in residential and commercial property, land acquisition and new homes development. He's a focused, pragmatic and results-orientated property professional with a passion for inspiring developers and encouraging clients to invest. Joe is passionate about the industry he works in and has always been at the forefront of new industry technology and innovative marketing initiatives such as Property Matters TV that help to build profile and promote a positive image of the industry.

Paul Allen

A radio presenter in the golden days of commercial radio, Paul Allen broadcast daily to large audiences all over the UK for more than 20 years. As a Managing Director, he also trained many presenters who have now gone on to establish impressive careers in TV and radio. Formed in 2010, Paul Allen Media is a social media consultancy with clients of all sizes across the UK, EMEA and US. Through his company, Paul has a track record of training professional people to engage target audiences through 21st century media channels. 10 years on, Paul Allen Media continues to deliver cutting edge social multimedia content, livestream broadcasts, management & personal training to businesses across the UK either in person or remotely via video conferencing software. Paul also produces and streams Property Matters TV each week.