Dr. James W. Partington

Dr. Partington oversees and steers the application and advancement of the ABA-VB methodology in our curriculum development. He also trains our staff in the clinical practices of ABA-VB on a regular basis. He is the author of the ABLLSTM-R and co-author of Teaching Language to Children with Autism or Other Developmental Disabilities. He has over 40 years of clinical experience in language-based intervention with children with autism. Dr. Partington has dedicated his life to helping children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) or other developmental delays. His expertise is in language-based intervention, helping children develop the basic language and learning skills they need for everyday interactions with others. He is the developer of the ABLLS-R, pioneering the inclusion of verbal behavior into applied behavioral analysis. Dr. Partington is a licensed psychologist and Doctoral-level Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA-D). He has more than 40 years of experience working with children with developmental disabilities, and operates the Strategic Teaching and Reinforcement System (STARS) Clinic.

Dr. Kenneth Bock

Job Titles:
  • Fellow of the American Academy of Family Practice
醫學博士、《Healing the New Childhood Epidemics: Autism, ADHD, Asthma, and Allergies》作者Dr. Kenneth Bock是世界知名的醫生,他在紐約開設名為Bock Integrative Medicine的全面評估及治療中心,成功治療患有多重慢性病的孩子及其家庭,當中包括免疫系統紊亂綜合症、自體免疫性疾病、慢性傳染及4A症( 敏感、哮喘、自閉症及過度活躍症)。 Fellow of the American Academy of Family Practice, the American College of Nutrition, and the American College for Advancement in Medicine, of which he is a former President. He is also a faculty member of the Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM). He is a world-renowned physician who established Bock Integrative Medicine, a comprehensive evaluation and treatment center in Rhinebeck, New York where he has successfully treated children and families with chronic complex medical disorders including but not limited to immune dysfunction, autoimmunity, chronic infections and the 4-A disorders (Allergies, Asthma, Autism and ADHD).

Dr. Martha Herbert

Job Titles:
  • Assistant Professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School
On top of her role with Harvard Medical School, Dr. Martha Herbert is also affiliated to Harvard-MIT-MGH Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, where she is director of the TRANSCEND Research Program (Treatment Research and Neuroscience Evaluation of Neurodevelopmental Disorders). Her main research interests are in addressing autism as a "dynamic encephalopathy" (something that can change) rather than a "static encephalopathy" (something that is fixed for life) and in how environmental vulnerability affects brain and body health and function.

Dr. Pamela Wolfberg

Job Titles:
  • Professor
舊金山州立大學副教授、「融合遊戲治療」創辦人Pamela Wolfberg是Autism Institute on Peer Socialization and Play總監,及美國加洲柏克萊大學與加州舊金山州立大學合辦的特殊教育博士課程的執行委員。朋輩關係、遊戲和想像以及兒童文化與自閉兒融合的關係為她的主要研究範疇。 她曾出版多本著作,當中最為人熟悉的是《遊戲融合與自閉症: 引導兒童社會化與想像力的藝術》,她創辦的「融合遊戲治療」模式主張以小型的同儕團體和融合式遊戲模式(IPG®)作療育,促進自閉症患者與一般友儕團體建立長期友誼,達至治療成效。她的研究啟發並引領世界逐步發展融合遊戲小組,並到世界各地為兒童宣揚融合和遊戲的權益。 Dr. Wolfberg is Professor of special education and faculty advisor for the Autism Spectrum Graduate Certificate and Related Studies at SFSU. She concurrently serves on the executive committee and faculty of the Joint Doctoral program in special education with the University of California, Berkeley-SFSU. As originator of the Integrated Play Groups (IPG) model and founder of the Autism Institute on Peer Socialization and Play, she leads research, training and development efforts to establish inclusive peer play programs worldwide.

Prof. Timothy Buie

Job Titles:
  • Professor
醫學博士、哈佛大學醫學院教授 (小兒科、腸胃科專家)Timothy Buie教授是Lurie Centre for Autism的小兒腸胃科專家,中心提供多範疇治療予自閉症候群及其他神經發育障礙下的小孩、青少年及成人。他醫治來自美國40個州及世界各地的兒童。2009年,Buie博士獲Autism Society of America頒發年度傑出工作獎項。他創立了一個課程並在本土及國際間進行教學,課程教導家長、物理治療師、言語治療師、職業治療師及醫學界人士辨識自閉症兒童表示痛楚或其他疾病時出現的行為。 Professor Timothy Buie, MD is a pediatric Gastroenterologist at the Lurie Center for Autism, a multidisciplinary program that treats children, adolescents and adults with autism spectrum and other neurodevelopmental disorders. He has cared for children from over 40 states in the U.S. and from all over the world. In 2009 Dr. Buie was honored by the Autism Society of America as Professional of the Year for his outstanding work. He has created a tangible educational program and teaching curricula presented nationally and internationally. His teaching series includes guidelines regarding behaviors of children with autism that may represent pain or other underlying medical issues and has been presented to parents; physical, occupational, and speech therapists; and a wide range of specialists from the medical community.