Alison Guyette

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Warren Legacy Foundation for Paranormal Research
  • Paranormal Investigator & Researcher
Paranormal Investigator, Counselor & Client Care Daniella I am 27 years old, born and raised here in beautiful south Florida. I have dedicated 10+ years in the hospitality industry and 15+ years of working with wildlife in different sanctuaries and animal rescue groups throughout south Florida. For as long as I can remember, I have always dedicated a lot of my free time into researching and educating myself of the paranormal world and sciences. I have felt that I am an empath and still learning on what these traits consist of. I feel that I am in a mature place in my life to really allow myself to explore this fire of interest I have for the paranormal and extremely excited to be part of a team that will help me do that while being able to help others. I eager for adventure and discoveries! I am also a member of the Warren Legacy Foundation for Paranormal Research. Alison has been very interested in life after death, since being a child having paranormal experiences of her own in multiple homes. Throughout life she has been sensitive to alternate forms of energy, which had also deepened her need to learn more. Researching Spiritualism has broadened her knowledge about this alternate realm of energy, and is continuing her search to further her own connections to ones that have moved beyond our plane of existence. Currently practicing meditation and exploring reiki to further open herself to the energy that surrounds us every day. She lives her life by the golden rule to try to make an impact on all around her. Alison is also a member of the Warren Legacy Foundation for Paranormal Research.

Bill Slevin - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Founder
  • about Our Founder
  • Founder, Lead Paranormal Investigator, Empath, Counselor, Parapsychologist
  • Regional Director for the Warren Legacy Foundation for Paranormal Research
  • Regional Director of the Southeast USA and Part of the Management
Bill Slevin founded the Paranormal Existence Research Society back in 2013 in Coral Springs, FL and has worked with many other teams for over 35 years in NJ and FL. He is also called in to consult on cases around the country as a residential and demonology specialist. Bill Slevin is the Founder and Lead Paranormal Investigator of The Paranormal Existence Research Society (P.E.R.S.) based out of Coral Springs, FL. Bill is an empath and has always been fascinated by the paranormal since he was a kid dealing with his own experiences and has worked in the paranormal field for 35 years with many paranormal experts from all over the world. Besides public and historical investigations, Bill is an expert in residential hauntings and has been part of well over 500+ residential investigations, helping those in need and has dedicated a lot of time helping people looking for answers over the years. Bill is The Regional Director Of The Southeast USA and part of the Management team for The Warren Legacy Foundation For Paranormal Research, founded by Chris McKinnell, The grandson of Ed & Lorraine Warren. This foundation is dedicated to helping people in an ethical and caring way. The foundation consists of many experienced and educated people in the paranormal field all across the country and the world. Bill loves to learn as much as possible about the paranormal and science and is dedicated to helping further the paranormal industry. Bill is a parapsychologist currently working on his PHD in Parapsychology, Paranormal Science and Metaphysical Humanistic Science. Bill is aloo a Demonology Specialist being part of many dark and some Demonic cases. Bill has been in the technology field for 30 years and is an expert in technology including Photography and CCTV Cameras. Bill can be seen on TV (Travel Channel, Discovery, Destination America, Discovery +), radio, podcasts, magazines and newspapers all across the world. His moist current show is a Shock Doc on The Travel Channel Called "The Devil's Academy" also streaming on Discovery + . Bill is also a paranormal educator and public speaker who loves to educate the public all about paranormal and the unknown, he and his team can be seen at various libraries, conventions, schools, and other public events and can also be hired for private events.

Brittany Fournier

Job Titles:
  • Paranormal Investigator, Client Care, Social Media
My name is Brittany Fournier, I'm the newest member of P.E.R.S. and I was born in the 1900s. I have held a camera longer than I have been alive and hold a Bachelor's of Science in Photographic Technology. Though my degree is in photography, I work as a Registered Behavior Technician helping children with neurodevelopmental and defiance disorders. I take pride in being able to understand things others cannot because of my big feelings and empathic abilities. My first encounter with the paranormal was a Wiccan ritual and soon thereafter, some careless use of a Talking Board provided further proof of another realm. I am excited to fine-tune my abilities and learn more with the community of P.E.R.S. Most of all, I am here and ready for any persons in need of assistance.

Cahni Konig

Lead Paranormal Investigator, Researcher, Psychic Medium, Shaman Cahni Konig Cahni Konig, CCHt, CIHt is a Clinical, Interpersonal, and Transpersonal Hypnotherapist, Usui and Karuna Reiki Master, Psychic Medium, Ordained Minister, and Full Mesa Carrier Medicine Woman (Shaman) trained in the Incan-Peruvian Q'ero lineage. She is trained in techniques such as Shamanic Illuminations, Spirit Release Therapy, compassionate de-possessions, removal of heavy energy, house clearings and blessings, past life regressions, childhood/memory regression therapy, alien abduction regressions, soul contract retrieval, destiny line retrieval, ancestral healings, Shamanic Reiki Fusion, spirit channeling, remote viewing and much more! She has been a paranormal investigator for most of her life, and is a member of the Warren Legacy Foundation for Paranormal Research. Cahni owns Sacred Space Spiritual Center in Brandon, FL where she offers healing sessions in person and remotely. She enjoys traveling and investigating reportedly haunted locations as much as possible. She has been seen on Amazon Prime and Paraflixx, and has appeared on many podcasts and radio shows.

David Schuler

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Warren Legacy Foundation for Paranormal Research
  • Paranormal Investigator
David is our newest team member. Currently attending Florida International University as a psychology major, I have always been fascinated with life after death from the passing of my second eldest brother Mike on Sept 14th, 2000. Died at 18, I tried to cope and understand that when we cross over, the place that we go, and if we remain contact with earthly loved ones living in the physical plane. I also do have an interest in aliens and of course the fact that we aren't alone in this vast universe that God had created. The galaxy is full of billions and billions of planets with people that are like us. Truth is stranger than fiction…is it? David is also a member of the Warren Legacy Foundation for Paranormal Research.

Emella Cassia

Beginning her path in the paranormal, Cassia took interest in spirit work when she was very young. Her aunt was a healer and shaman, and taught Cassia her foundations. As a Classicist (Roman historian), philosopher, and fashion designer, her path in spirit work was unexpected. However, after a few run-in's with spirits, she began her practice as a dedicated worker and healer. Now, with an active "household," she is investigating residential and historical sites, and takes a particular concentration on communicating with spirits, as well as the healing process. Cassia's great passion is healing people who have lost a loved one, find healthy perspectives of the afterlife, spirits, and strengthen their faith in continuous love so they can know themselves as peaceful, safe, and complete. No single approach is right for every individual, but being trained in multiple communication techniques, including channeling, pendulum work, third eye communication, as well as others, Cassia's approach is aimed at helping and investigating the paranormal. She has won awards in her academic field, as well as written multiple works, and founded a couple organizations. As a practicing sacerdos (priestess) in the polytheistic Roman community, she is capable of easing tensions, fear, and nervousness, and is trained with identifying types, names, and relationships of spirits. She is dedicated to helping both those living and non-living while also answering questions of the afterlife and paranormal existence. Cassia is dedicated to assisting both the living and non-living residents in a caring and respectful manner. Cassia is the Team Leader and Head Paranormal Investigator for our International Teams in Italy and Greece.

Frank Marrara

Job Titles:
  • Photographer - UFO Specialist - Researcher
  • Specialist for the Paranormal Existence Research Society
Frank Marrara is our resident UFO specialist for the Paranormal Existence Research Society. Frank has 30+ years of personal experience studying and researching UFO's and the unexplained, but it was only recently that he decided to work out in the field and elevate it from just a hobby. Frank is a great addition to our team of experts and brings a lot to P.E.R.S. Frank is also our UFO specialist for and is involved in all UFO related aspects of the site, he is a huge contributor to the site. Frank also helps at most of our events taking photos, he has been a professional photographer all of his life.

Jerri Holt

Lead Paranormal Investigator, Researcher, Psychic Medium, Shaman Cahni Konig Cahni Konig, CCHt, CIHt is a Clinical, Interpersonal, and Transpersonal Hypnotherapist, Usui and Karuna Reiki Master, Psychic Medium, Ordained Minister, and Full Mesa Carrier Medicine Woman (Shaman) trained in the Incan-Peruvian Q'ero lineage. She is trained in techniques such as Shamanic Illuminations, Spirit Release Therapy, compassionate de-possessions, removal of heavy energy, house clearings and blessings, past life regressions, childhood/memory regression therapy, alien abduction regressions, soul contract retrieval, destiny line retrieval, ancestral healings, Shamanic Reiki Fusion, spirit channeling, remote viewing and much more! She has been a paranormal investigator for most of her life, and is a member of the Warren Legacy Foundation for Paranormal Research. Cahni owns Sacred Space Spiritual Center in Brandon, FL where she offers healing sessions in person and remotely. She enjoys traveling and investigating reportedly haunted locations as much as possible. She has been seen on Amazon Prime and Paraflixx, and has appeared on many podcasts and radio shows.

Jessica Iverson

Jessica was born and raised in southwest Florida. She is 29 years old and currently resides in Naples. She is currently a mortician's apprentice and is attending mortuary school and has a bachelor's degree in forensic studies. She has always had a fascination with the paranormal since she was a small child. She's explored the field throughout her life and is ready to take that next step into the professional world of the paranormal and learn all there is that's available and to help people. Jessica has always had gotten great joy from helping others, and is excited to be able to help in this specific way.

Jordan Silverstein

Job Titles:
  • Head
  • Creative Director of the Audio and Video Department at ParanormalExistence.Com
  • Head Audio / Video Tech - Video Producer
Jordan is the head Audio/Video Tech, and video producer for the Paranormal Existence Research Society. Aside from having been good friends with Bill for over 20 years, he has had a passionate lifelong fascination with all things Halloween, dark aesthetics and subject matters, including the paranormal. Jordan is also the owner of a website devoted to all things Halloween. In addition to audio and video, Jordan brings to the table a serving of skepticism and typically prefers to explore scientific or alternative explanations for paranormal occurrences. This balance helps stimulate healthy debates and also in trying to get to what matters most, the truth! Jordan owns and operates his own Photo/Video Production Company - October Night productions, which specializes in Fantasy Photography and Video - Jordan is also the creative director of the audio and video department at

Kelly Ladd

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Warren Legacy Foundation for Paranormal Research
Kelly's interest in the paranormal began at an early age when her family rented a house while their own home was being built. During their time in that house, they encountered numerous unexplained phenomena that left a lasting impact on the entire family. Objects would mysteriously disappear from one room and reappear in another, or never be found again. They witnessed a rocking chair moving on its own, heard unexplained voices, experienced knocking at the front door with no one there, and felt a constant sense of being watched. Even her skeptical father, who had been dismissive of paranormal claims, was affected by these disturbing occurrences. Eventually, the activity became so intense that her father decided to break the lease, and the family moved to another rental house several miles away. These experiences, coupled with what Kelly describes as a "strong sixth sense," ignited her curiosity and passion for the paranormal. She embarked on a journey of learning and exploration, delving into books, conducting research, and engaging in investigations. As a paranormal investigator and researcher, Kelly is driven to seek answers through various investigative methods and experimentation. Over the past 2+ years, she has conducted fieldwork in a range of locations, from residential homes experiencing unexplained phenomena to historical sites and landmarks deeply connected to the past. One of Kelly's greatest joys is assisting people who have had paranormal experiences. Her own encounters with the unknown have enabled her to empathize deeply with clients, understanding firsthand how the mysterious can evoke fear. When interacting with clients, her primary concern is their well-being, ensuring they feel supported and safe throughout the process. In addition to her investigative work, Kelly has developed a keen interest in divination, particularly through the use of dowsing rods and pendulums. She finds these tools to be valuable assets in her pursuit of understanding and uncovering hidden truths in the paranormal realm. Furthermore, Kelly brings over 32 years of experience as an accomplished Healthcare Executive Manager to her pursuits. Throughout her career, she has engaged in numerous educational presentations and publications in leadership and business operations, showcasing her expertise beyond the paranormal field. As a testament to her dedication and expertise, Kelly is a proud member of the Warren Legacy Foundation for Paranormal Research. Being part of this renowned organization allows her to collaborate with fellow researchers, exchange knowledge, and contribute to the advancement of paranormal studies.

Matt Cable

Paranormal Investigator, Researcher Matt Cable I've always had a fascination with the Paranormal. As a kid on Halloween I'd wonder if there really were more spirits coming through that night and if I'd get to see one. After having a few unexplainable experiences and talking to a close friend about his encounters with ghosts, I decided I'd look into it deeper if I ever got the chance. Bill has given me that chance. I'm looking forward to having some paranormal experiences and helping people deal with the ones they're having.

Nikki Springer

Job Titles:
  • Paranormal Investigator & Researcher

Renee Hill

Renee has a strong passion for the paranormal and capturing evidence of communicating with spirits, as well as a love for the history of each location she investigates. She has been a paranormal investigator for over 11 years, investigating some of the most haunted places all over the US. Some of which include the Washoe Club, the Queen Mary, Bobby Mackeys and Waverly Hills Sanatorium, to name a few. Her interest in the paranormal came from a childhood experience where a female spirit made her presence known to her on several occasions. This included levitating objects, hearing audible wailing, and even slamming a door shut locking her in when there was no lock on the door. Never forgetting these experiences when she was a child, she always had an interest and belief in the spiritual world. So when Renee met a paranormal team called Ghost Posse, and was asked to join the team she said yes. After her first investigation where she saw a ball move while four K2 electromagnetic meters lit up simultaneously all around it, she was hooked. During her many investigations she discovered that she is an empath, with an ability to feel spirit energy and presence as well as the emotions left imprinted on a location and spirits seem drawn to her sweet and motherly nature. She eventually left the team and went off on her own traveling and joining many other teams on their investigations and learning from each different methods, tools and ideas of investigating. She now implements all of these skills as she continues her passion investigating the spiritual relm.

Robert Hofmann

Job Titles:
  • Paranormal Investigator, Researcher

Stephanie Elgaydi

Job Titles:
  • Assistant Regional Director of the Southeast USA and Part of the Management
Stephanie is an enigmatic and dedicated individual, with a passion for unraveling the mysteries that lie beyond our everyday perception. As a paranormal investigator and researcher, she dives deep into the realms of the supernatural, seeking answers and explanations for paranormal activity. As a psychic medium, Stephanie's journey into the realm of the paranormal is not merely academic. She herself brings with her a lifetime of extraordinary encounters and spiritual experiences that have shaped her understanding of the unseen forces that permeate our world. It is this personal connection that sets her apart, allowing her to empathize and connect with clients on a profound level. The past 4+ years, Stephanie has devoted herself to assisting others in their quest for understanding. Through her exceptional client care skills, she has provided solace and guidance to countless individuals grappling with their own encounters with the paranormal and the spiritual. Stephanie's expertise extends beyond investigation and consultation. She has also devoted considerable time and energy to assisting those who seek to develop their own psychic or mediumship abilities. Drawing upon her wealth of personal experiences and knowledge, she nurtures and guides individuals on their unique spiritual journeys, empowering them to tap into their latent gifts and unlock their true potential. Stephanie is the Assistant Regional Director of The Southeast USA and part of the Management team for The Warren Legacy Foundation for Paranormal Research, founded by Chris McKinnell (the grandson of Ed and Lorraine Warren) and Lorraine Warren.

Tammy Krichmar

Job Titles:
  • Lead Paranormal Investigator, Researcher, Psychic Medium, Shaman
  • Member of the Warren Legacy Foundation for Paranormal Research
The paranormal started to intrigue Tammy after experiencing loss within her own family. She just couldn't fathom the thought that after we pass "this is it, this is all there is". It just didn't make any sense to her. "Everything is energy, and after a person passes, where does that energy go, what happens to our souls?" This question recently started her journey into the investigation of the paranormal. Tammy has been an entrepreneur her entire life, starting with owning her own business at the age of 16. Married to her best friend Jeff, the two of them have raised 3 children and are grandparents to 4 and still counting. "At this point of my life I'd like to know what else is out there, and if I can help people along the way, that makes my life that much better". Tammy is also a member of the Warren Legacy Foundation for Paranormal Research.

Tim Yancey

Tim Yancey was a friend, teammate, mentor and inspiration. He will be missed but his philosophy of counseling and helping people will live on through P.E.R.S.and everyone who knew him. I personally have known Tim for about 8 years but it was only in 2021 that he asked to be part of the P.E.R.S. Team and we were lucky enough to have him with us for a short time and also with us at the Fantasm Convention October 2021, which turned out to be his last paranormal event. Tim's wife Trish is also a great counselor and inspiration to us all and will always be a part of the team! Tim Yancey was an actual violent haunting survivor, and has been a real paranormal researcher and investigator for over 35 years. He was also an active Prayer Chaplain with his Church (Unity of the Palm Beaches), where he was hosting the Sunday morning services. He was probably one of the most recognized and progressive authorities on the subject of violent and demonic hauntings. He was a much sought after public speaker on the topic, and has spoken at Colleges and Universities, paranormal conferences and conventions around the country. He has appeared as himself in ScyFy Channels documentary film, "The Haunted Boy", and his story has also been featured on Destination America's hit TV show, "A Haunting". Together with his brother Tom, they were both featured by Warner Home Video in a special DVD release of CW networks hit TV series, "Supernatural" and most recently seen in the shoc doc series for Discovery Channel, the documentary on the Amityville Horror. Tim had traveled the country for years, working with families who are experiencing frightening paranormal activity in their home. His tough, no-nonsense method of clearing a home of negative energy is powerful and intense, and has often involved violent and frightening attacks from negative entities.

Tom Springer

Job Titles:
  • Lead Investigator for the All New Central US Branch Based Out of Omaha
  • Paranormal Investigator & Researcher
Tom Springer is a combination of Indigenous and Nordic descent, making his background vast in legend and lore. He first learned of his paranormal abilities at the age of 49 when he was on his first investigation. His abilities have branched into many different areas to include psychic and mediumship abilities, talking with elementals, speaking with individuals from different dimensions, and healing others through touch and burst energy to name just a few. More abilities are still coming through, and he continues to tap into what else is in store for him. Tom is the host of a livestream called STUFF I NEVER LEARNED FROM A SCHOOLBOOK. The livestream was originally conceived as a place for individuals who believe they have paranormal gifts to come to, so they can learn more and meet others who are also just starting out, and also meet people who can help guide them further in their journey. The site has transformed into a place of congregation for all aspects of strange and odd things. It is now home to guests who have had alien and UFO encounters, cryptid enthusiasts, witches, empaths, paranormal investigators, and pretty much anything else some may call weird, odd, or unbelievable. Tom's show can be found Monday nights at 7pm Central Tom is the Lead investigator for the all new Central US Branch based out of Omaha, NE

Yudany Diaz

Since a very young age, Yudany Diaz has been interested in the paranormal. He would read every book available on the subject at his school libraries. Additionally, he learned at a young age that he could connect emotionally with others and identified himself as an empath. Moreover, Yudany has experienced several instances of paranormal activity beginning in childhood that further sparked his interest. His love and curiosity for the paranormal has only grown as he entered adulthood. When not working as an IT professional, Yudany runs a Horror/Paranormal podcast with his partner. While interviewing Bill Slevin for the podcast, Yudany's interest in joining a paranormal investigation team increased and he believed to be the natural next step to consolidate his passions and research more about the paranormal.