Mr. Shiladitya Sarkar

Mr. Shiladitya Sarkar, aged 45, has over 26 years of experience in marketing, operations, and customer service, also specializing in business development. He has been a part of Kamai Unlimited since 2020. He is a graduate in Commerce from Calcutta University in the year 1995. Since then, he has been involved in various telecom industries, paint industries, handicraft industries and E-Commerce, leading the teams as a senior manager.

Surajit Nayak

Mr. SurajitNayak comes with over 24 years of experience in building start-ups / 1st generation entrepreneurship. He has designed and delivered hundreds of programs of entrepreneurial training & workshops since he started entrepreneurship business in 2016. Strategic Perspective, Customer Service, Team building and development of interpersonal skills, Selling Skills and experiential learning workshops for start-ups , he specializes in leadership workshop facilitation, Business Acumen, Innovation & Creativity, Financial management & entrepreneurship .