Updated 48 days ago
2017 ‘Maker Faire Seoul'-Seoul Innovation Park, Seoul, KR _2017 ‘Euljiro Light Way'-DDP, Seoul, KR
Seunghwan Ji is a designer born in Seoul(KR) and based in Eindhoven(NL). He understands his identity not as an unchanging individual, but as a ‘dividual' which can be divided and express various characteristics. Ji explores the relationship within his own identities and within contemporary society and culture. Ji interprets the questions and thoughts based on reflection on his identities to design, by borrowing creative techniques used in various art fields. Therefore, his designs come out as self-portraits made through various materials and media. As a member of society and also an entity , design is not only a defence mechanism against the society, but also a medium to understand society, inspired by observations (in particular) of other's defence mechanisms. In the process of translating narratives into objects, Ji researches and works through playful conceptual works and insightful reversals of everpresent norms... Seunghwan Ji is, a designer from Seoul, and based in Eindhoven who..