Dr Rafid Alzubaidy

Dr Alzubaidy graduated from the University of Al-Mustanseria, Iraq in 1996 before moving to Australia in 2000. He started surgical training in Adelaide in 2006 and later moved to Perth to undertake studies in advanced training in general surgery. In 2012, Dr Alzubaidy commenced his breast fellowship training in Perth at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital before moving to Queensland in 2013 to complete his breast surgery training. After obtaining his fellowship in general surgery (FRACS), Dr Alzubaidy completed two years of post-fellowship training in breast surgery, overseen by the Breast Surgeons of Australia and New Zealand (BreastSurgANZ), of which he is still an existing member. Dr Alzubaidy currently works at the Gold Coast University and Robina Hospitals and has now commenced private practice at Gold Coast Private Hospital. He has a keen interest in research, in particular breast cancer. He is also passionate about training junior medical staff, nursing staff and medical students on the Gold Coast. Dr Alzubaidy is more than happy to be contacted by GPs and other specialists to discuss and admit patients at Gold Coast Private Hospital.