Cilia Damiani

Cilia Damiani is an astrophysicist working at the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research in Göttingen, Germany. She specialises in the physics of the interactions between stars and planets as well as the interior of stars. She is also involved in the European Space Agency mission PLATO for the detection of exoplanets. She loves sharing her passion for science throughout different outreach activities and has participated in several science festivals with SpaceTravelVR.

Clément Walter

Clément Walter is a PhD student in astrophysics and cosmology at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris, France. He works on the determination and characterization of the foreground emission from the Planck mission data, in the aim to help uncover the primordial B-modes of polarization in the Cosmic Microwave Background. While being involved in several science communication events such as the Nuit Blanche, Clément is also involved in the two SpaceTravelVR projects: SolAR Expedition and SolOVE.

Florian Regnault

Florian Regnault is a PhD student in space physics at the Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale, France . He investigates the propagation of solar storms in the solar system, by way of data analysis and numerical simulations. He enjoys sharing his passion for astrophysics and has participated in several science festivals to present SpaceTravelVR projects. while being involved in the development of the SolOVE v1 version.

Isabelle Fratter

Job Titles:
  • Solar Orbiter Project Scientist

Jean-Charles Fedini

Job Titles:
  • Main Developer 1

Miho Janvier

Miho Janvier leads the projects for Space Travel VR while working as a space physicist at the Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale, France. Her work focuses on the understanding of when solar flares occur, how solar storms travel in space and how they impact planetary environments in the solar system. She is also involved on the European Space Agency mission to explore the Sun and its close neighbourhood, Solar Orbiter. Her passion for astrophysics and science communication has led her to develop SpaceTravelVR. She was named WIRED UK Innovation fellow in 2016 and is a TED Fellow.​

Pierre Gaboriaud

Job Titles:
  • Main Developer 2

Tom Saville

Tom graduated from the Arts Institute at Bournemouth, UK, in 2008 with a BA in Film and Animation, and while gaining experience under the wing of Leigh Took at Mattes and Miniatures Pinewood, helped to complete the visual effects for Small Town Folk for director Peter Stanley-Ward and producer Chris Musselwhite. The group of filmmakers became Treehouse Digital, and has served as editor and visual effects designer on many of the projects under the Treehouse banner. Tom's interest in visual arts and technology came to a head in 2015, with the development of Solar Storm.