Griffith Belcher

Our son Griffith was born in Mossman which is just a short distance from the Daintree River. So, he has grown up here at our home on the banks of the Daintree river and life here is second nature to him. Having achieved his trade as a diesel mechanic, he has taken on the responsibilities of maintaining our machinery, particularly our outboard engines. He then shares tour guiding with Bruce and Ray. Griff, grew up on our boats and the transaction from child into an adult working with wildlife was so natural and easy. As a parent, my wife and I hope to groom Griff to take over the family business eventually. It's a big responsibility operating 7 days a week. He grew up with our dream and it has become part of his lifestyle.

John Huntley

John joined Bruce Belcher's Daintree River Cruises in the year 2019 as one of our boat drivers. John joins us with many years' experience working in the Daintree and has excellent knowledge on Crocodiles and their territory.

Ray Evans

Ray, joined our team in 2010 after arriving from interstate. He always had a passion for wildlife and was particularly interested in Steve Irwin, and his crocodile presentations. Steve Irwin, known as the Crocodile Hunter. Having spent some time familiarising himself with boat handling and studying, he became a certified river guide. Now, some years later, he is regarded well by his peers and is one of the best guides on the river. Apart from his good knowledge of crocodiles Ray, enjoys sharing knowledge and interests about snakes, with his guests. He is frequently called out afterhours to remove snakes from neighborhood houses. This is done on a voluntary basis. Ray believes he has found his niche here and has become part of our family business which he enjoys very much.