FFP - History of Changes

2024-03-19 insert personal_emails li..@ffp.vg
2024-03-19 insert alias FFP (AR) Limited
2024-03-19 insert email li..@ffp.vg
2024-03-19 insert person Liz Jackson
2024-03-19 update person_description Andrew Childe => Andrew Childe
2024-03-19 update person_description Anna Silver => Anna Silver
2024-03-19 update person_title Bijorn Bullock: Chartered Professional Accountant of Canada; Assistant Manager => Chartered Professional Accountant of Canada; Manager
2023-10-03 insert personal_emails li..@ffp.vg
2023-10-03 insert email li..@ffp.vg
2023-10-03 insert person Liz Barahona
2023-08-31 delete personal_emails ch..@ffp.ky
2023-08-31 insert otherexecutives Chantelle Morrison
2023-08-31 insert personal_emails ch..@ffp.ky
2023-08-31 delete email ch..@ffp.ky
2023-08-31 delete person Chantelle Spencer
2023-08-31 insert email ch..@ffp.ky
2023-08-31 insert person Chantelle Morrison
2023-07-30 insert email er..@ffp.ky
2023-07-30 insert email zo..@ffp.ky
2023-07-30 insert person Erin Powell
2023-07-30 insert person Zoe Blight
2023-07-30 update person_description Jasmine Herrod => Jasmine Herrod
2023-07-30 update person_title Karen Gray-Gunderson: Senior Manager and Group Head of Investigations, Risk and Compliance => Senior Manager and Head of Risk and Compliance
2023-06-28 delete personal_emails ja..@ffp.ky
2023-06-28 insert personal_emails ja..@ffp.ky
2023-06-28 delete email ja..@ffp.ky
2023-06-28 delete person Jasmine Brown
2023-06-28 insert email ja..@ffp.ky
2023-06-28 insert email ja..@ffp.ky
2023-06-28 insert email sa..@ffp.ky
2023-06-28 insert person Jack Harwood-Scott
2023-06-28 insert person Jasmine Herrod
2023-06-28 insert person Sam Stainrod
2023-04-11 delete source_ip
2023-04-11 insert source_ip
2023-03-10 update person_description Chris Rowland => Chris Rowland
2023-01-05 delete personal_emails me..@ffp.ky
2023-01-05 insert personal_emails ta..@ffp.ky
2023-01-05 delete email me..@ffp.ky
2023-01-05 delete person Melanie McKernan
2023-01-05 delete source_ip
2023-01-05 insert email iz..@ffp.ky
2023-01-05 insert email ta..@ffp.ky
2023-01-05 insert person Izanne Geldenhuys
2023-01-05 insert person Taj Lee
2023-01-05 insert source_ip
2022-09-11 delete otherexecutives Ettiene Human
2022-09-11 insert personal_emails cl..@ffp.ky
2022-09-11 insert personal_emails ha..@ffp.ky
2022-09-11 insert personal_emails me..@ffp.ky
2022-09-11 insert personal_emails or..@ffp.ky
2022-09-11 delete email al..@ffp.ky
2022-09-11 delete email et..@ffp.vg
2022-09-11 delete email sa..@ffp.ky
2022-09-11 delete person Alastair Loxton
2022-09-11 delete person Ettiene Human
2022-09-11 delete person Sarah McGraynor
2022-09-11 insert email cl..@ffp.ky
2022-09-11 insert email ha..@ffp.ky
2022-09-11 insert email ka..@ffp.ky
2022-09-11 insert email me..@ffp.ky
2022-09-11 insert email or..@ffp.ky
2022-09-11 insert person Claudine Thompson
2022-09-11 insert person Hazel O'Brien
2022-09-11 insert person Karen Gray-Gunderson
2022-09-11 insert person Melanie McKernan
2022-09-11 insert person Orla O'Regan
2022-07-05 delete personal_emails ch..@ffp.ky
2022-07-05 insert personal_emails an..@ffp.ky
2022-07-05 delete email ch..@ffp.ky
2022-07-05 delete email gu..@ffp.ky
2022-07-05 delete person Christine Kearney
2022-07-05 delete person Guy Campbell
2022-07-05 insert email an..@ffp.ky
2022-07-05 insert person Andrew Rutherford
2022-07-05 update person_description Kieran Clarke => Kieran Clarke
2022-07-05 update person_title Kieran Clarke: Senior Fund Accountant => Manager
2022-03-31 delete personal_emails ad..@ffp.ky
2022-03-31 insert personal_emails ca..@ffp.ky
2022-03-31 insert personal_emails pa..@ffp.ky
2022-03-31 delete email ad..@ffp.ky
2022-03-31 delete person Adam Keenan
2022-03-31 insert email ca..@ffp.ky
2022-03-31 insert email pa..@ffp.ky
2022-03-31 insert person Carole Stewart
2022-03-31 insert person Patrick Mulrenan
2021-10-05 insert personal_emails ho..@ffp.vg
2021-10-05 insert email ho..@ffp.vg
2021-10-05 insert person Hosana Guterres
2021-08-29 insert otherexecutives Ettiene Human
2021-08-29 delete address 2nd Floor, Harbour Centre 42 North Church Street George Town, Grand Cayman Cayman Islands
2021-08-29 delete email ky..@ffp.vg
2021-08-29 delete email sh..@ffp.vg
2021-08-29 delete person Kyle Ashford
2021-08-29 delete person Shaheba Levons
2021-08-29 insert address 2nd Floor, Harbour Centre 159 Mary Street George Town, Grand Cayman Cayman Islands
2021-08-29 insert email et..@ffp.vg
2021-08-29 insert person Ettiene Human
2021-08-29 update primary_contact 2nd Floor, Harbour Centre 42 North Church Street George Town, Grand Cayman Cayman Islands => 2nd Floor, Harbour Centre 159 Mary Street George Town, Grand Cayman Cayman Islands
2021-07-06 insert personal_emails ch..@ffp.ky
2021-07-06 delete address 2nd Floor Belisarius Building Wickhams Cay II Road Town, Tortola VG 1110 British Virgin Islands
2021-07-06 insert email ch..@ffp.ky
2021-07-06 insert person Christine Kearney
2021-07-06 update person_title Alastair Loxton: Member of the Cayman Islands Directors Association; Investment Manager => Head of Investment Management at FFP Advisors Limited; Member of the Cayman Islands Directors Association
2021-04-26 delete personal_emails st..@ffp.vg
2021-04-26 insert personal_emails ad..@ffp.ky
2021-04-26 delete email st..@ffp.vg
2021-04-26 delete person Stephen Briscoe
2021-04-26 insert email ad..@ffp.ky
2021-04-26 insert email bi..@ffp.vg
2021-04-26 insert person Adam Keenan
2021-04-26 insert person Bijorn Bullock
2021-04-26 update person_description Anna Silver => Anna Silver
2021-02-02 delete personal_emails ca..@ffp.ky
2021-02-02 insert cfo Matthew Lawson
2021-02-02 insert personal_emails ch..@ffp.ky
2021-02-02 insert personal_emails vi..@ffp.ky
2021-02-02 delete email ca..@ffp.ky
2021-02-02 delete person Caroline Moore
2021-02-02 insert email ch..@ffp.ky
2021-02-02 insert email ma..@ffp.ky
2021-02-02 insert email vi..@ffp.ky
2021-02-02 insert person Chantelle Spencer
2021-02-02 insert person Matthew Lawson
2021-02-02 insert person Vikram Dookhy
2021-02-02 update person_description Andrew Childe => Andrew Childe
2021-02-02 update person_description Richard Murphy => Richard Murphy
2021-02-02 update person_title Richard Murphy: Manager => Senior Manager
2021-02-02 update person_title Trudy-Ann Scott: Manager => Senior Manager
2020-10-14 insert email gu..@ffp.ky
2020-10-14 insert email sh..@ffp.vg
2020-10-14 insert person Guy Campbell
2020-10-14 insert person Shaheba Levons
2020-10-14 update person_description Jasmine Brown => Jasmine Brown
2020-10-14 update person_title Nicola Cowan: Manager => Senior Manager
2020-03-27 delete personal_emails an..@ffp.ky
2020-03-27 insert personal_emails an..@ffp.vg
2020-03-27 delete email an..@ffp.ky
2020-03-27 insert email an..@ffp.vg
2020-02-24 delete otherexecutives Hadley Chilton
2020-02-24 insert personal_emails an..@ffp.ky
2020-02-24 delete email ha..@ffp.vg
2020-02-24 delete person Hadley Chilton
2020-02-24 insert email an..@ffp.ky
2020-02-24 insert person Anna Silver
2020-02-24 update person_title Kyle Ashford: Assistant Manager => Manager
2019-11-13 insert email ti..@ffp.ky
2019-11-13 insert person Tia Healy
2019-09-13 delete registration_number 270205
2019-09-13 delete registration_number 277754
2019-09-13 insert email al..@ffp.ky
2019-09-13 insert person Alastair Loxton
2019-09-13 update robots_txt_status www.ffp.ky: 404 => 200
2019-08-14 delete source_ip
2019-08-14 insert source_ip
2019-08-14 update robots_txt_status www.ffp.ky: 200 => 404
2019-08-14 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2019-07-29 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2019-04-22 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2018-02-26 delete personal_emails st..@ffp.ky
2018-02-26 insert personal_emails st..@ffp.vg
2018-02-26 delete email st..@ffp.ky
2018-02-26 insert email st..@ffp.vg
2017-09-25 update person_title Richard Murphy: Assistant Manager => Manager